Airship and Blimp Resources The Reference on Airships 

World Balloon Corporation

The World Balloon Corporation was founded in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1975 to organize the first Albuqueque International Balloon Fiesta. The event has grown to become one of the two largest balloon events in the world. Today World Balloon Corporation contains a FAR part 141 Balloon Flight School with several instructors, a professional balloon ride operation, and a corporate program for clients in private industry.

Around 1980, WBC designed and built two large four person pressurized thermal airships of identical type. Both ships were sold to the Anheuser-Busch Corporation of St Louis, Missouri, and advertised various brands of beer.

[WBC Thermal Airship]

One of the two WBC Thermal Airship prototypes.

For more information please visit the official World Balloon Corporation Homepage.

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